Tuesday, September 17, 2019

3 Graphology tricks

Graphology has been around for quite some time. It is the study of handwriting, its patterns and physical characteristics. According to claims they can be used to identify who wrote the text, their psychological state of mind when they were writing it, and even more permanent traits of the writer’s personality. It has been surrounded by controversy for more than a century, with many people calling it a pseudoscience. However, as for most things in the world, there exists a graphologycertification. You can easily avail a number of courses from more colleges than you would initially suspect for this. These colleges often have certification courses in stenography English as well. You can pursue a variety of courses related to scripts and their studies. This blog will help you get to know a few basic tricks of graphology:
  1. The size of your writing
This is one of the most important aspects of graphology. If you write in large letters, then it is highly likely that you have a big personality and are outgoing. Shy people and introverts generally tend to write small letters. If the size of your handwriting is average, it means that you can concentrate and focus stronger than others.
  1. The spacing in between words
People who crave independence and freedom tend to leave a large amount of space in between words. People who like the company of other people generally leave less spaces in between words. However, if you completely jam your words together, it suggests that you might have the habit of being intrusive, or have a tendency to crowd people.
  1. The pen pressure you apply
One may think that pen pressure is a highly random factor to judge someone’s handwriting. You are true to some extent as they generally showcase your mood at the time of writing the text. A very heavy pressure suggests you were in anger or tension while writing. When observed for longer periods of time, a pressure just heavy enough suggests you do not fear commitment while a softer pressure means that you are quite sensitive to others and empathetic. One study also seemed to suggest that softer pressure means you lack vitality.

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